
Data Management & Business Analysis with Excel

Command your Data in Excel. Perform Business Analytics like a practitioner.

What this is about

This is an all-inclusive program to familiarise the participant in Excel’s data management features. It trains the participant to manipulate & analyse business data as a valuable resource.

What problems it solve

Excel is commonly used in data management & analysis, but few people can truly use it effectively. You need to know Excel’s vast array of data management & analysis tools to manage & interpret business information in a coherent & organized manner. For self taught professionals, it is a discipline that is acquired through years of experience, often an arduous trial & error process.

How can I apply it in my work

This program is designed to be immediately practical and useful for the business analyst who needs to manage huge data records, analyse business information, perform forecasts and ultimately make fact-based decisions to drive businesses forward.

All-Inclusive Topics Covered:

This program have connected the dots for you. We will bring in the relevant Excel features, discuss them in detail and show you how they work.
* Grouping and Outlining Data.
* Database & List Management.
* Data Cleaning.
* Excel’s Data Management Features.
* Excel functions to data mine and classify records.
* Summarising Data Visually with Excel Charts.
* Summarising Data with PivotTables.
* Using Excel’s Modelling Tools for scenario-based forecasting.
* Solve Optimization Problems with Excel Solver.
* Using Excel for Statistical Analysis to Track Trends & Make Forecasts.

Who Should Attend?

Designed for analysts who need practical data management & data analysis skills in Excel.